Skround's Commissions

Status: OPENED

Terms of Service

- I have the right to deny or cancel any commission for any reason.
- I require all payment up front through Ko-fi. I only take USD at this time
- I do not work off of text descriptions. Please send me image references of what you want. I am alright with black/white images with described color.
- All of my images are for personal use only. This includes social media icons/headers, posting to character galleries, or sharing with friends. Don't be afraid to ask about anything else!
- I do not allow ANY commercial use of my art. ESPECIALLY not NFTs, merchandise, or videos/streams.
- I am allowed to post any art I make to my social media or to my portfolio.
- Do not remove my signature.
- As I work on your commission, I will PM you a sketch. You may ask for modifications at this stage. If you are unsatisfied with the sketch after modifications, I will refund half of what you paid.
- If you want WIPs after this initial sketch, you must request them.
- After the sketch, I will only do modifications if the mistake was on my end. I will not make modifications for incomplete or insufficient references/descriptions.
- If for some reason I cannot start your commission after I accepted it, I will refund you in full.
- If I cannot finish your commission, I will refund you half of what you paid and offer the current state of the artwork.
- Do not be afraid to ask questions! I don't bite!
I will draw:
- humans/humanoids
- anthros
- feral
- robots
- fanart
- pride art
I will not draw:
- scenes (at this time)
- hateful art
- politics
- ask if unsure
At this time, I take 4 commission slots.


- The commissioner may request a transparent background free of charge.
- Extra characters are +50% of the price.
- Complex character designs are subject to a price increase at my discretion.
- You may request a specific style by linking to an example.
All payment is to be made through Ko-fi.

Colored Sketch

A colored digital sketch. Lines are looser and scaffolding is still present. This option comes with a solid color background.

Halfbody: +$5
Fullbody: +$10
Shading: +$10
Simple background: +$5

Clean Colored$30

Cleaned up lineart with color. This option comes with a solid colored background.

Halfbody: +$5
Fullbody: +$10
Shading: +$20
Simple Background: +$5